
2015-10-29| 发布者: 凌锦晖| 查看: 989 |原作者: 凌锦晖

Student jailed for kidnapping, raping housewife Defendant lured woman for a ride, raped her with friend at knifepoint in dark all...

Student jailed for kidnapping, raping housewife
Defendant lured woman for a ride, raped her with friend at knifepoint in dark alley

Published: 16:53 October 26, 2015 Gulf News

Dubai: A student has been jailed for six months for kidnapping a housewife and raping her at knifepoint in a dark alley in Jumeirah.

The 19-year-old Sudanese student, H.F., forced the Emirati housewife, 22, to a car, then drove off with his countryman, H.E., to a poorly lit area near Mercato Mall where they both had sex with her in December 2013.

Earlier this year, the Dubai Court of First Instance convicted the Sudanese defendants of kidnap and rape at knifepoint and threat.

H.F. was sentenced in absentia to six months in jail followed by deportation.

H.E. was handed a six-month imprisonment, a ruling which he has challenged before the Dubai Appeal Court.

The duo pleaded not guilty and alleged that they had consensual sex with the Emirati woman.

After he was sentenced in absentia, the 19-year-old surrendered himself and requested a retrial, as per the Criminal Procedures Law.

During his retrial, the student pleaded not guilty and denied kidnapping the woman and raping her at knifepoint.

Presiding judge Mohammad Jamal jailed H.F. for six months. The 19-year-old defendant was handed a lenient punishment due to his age. He also faces deportation.
首席法官Mohammad Jamal判决 H.F6个月的牢刑,对于这个19岁的被告,法官由于他的年龄其实是从轻处罚的了,不过他还是会被驱逐出境。

Court records said the duo took advantage of the fact that the area where they stopped was poorly lit and empty before they had sex with the woman against her will.

The housewife said she was sitting at the entrance of the building where she lives in Al Bidaa when H.F. lured her to the car.
那家庭主妇说她当时正坐在她所住的地方Al Bidaa的大厦的楼道入口处,而学生H.F就诱惑她来到车上。

“He asked me to go with him for dinner, but I refused. Then he promised not to touch me and insisted that I join him. When I rejected his offer, he pulled me in into the vehicle that H.E. drove. H.F. threatened to pour a substance over me that causes tears if I opened the door … I felt scared.

“H.E. stopped before a house near Mercato Mall and stepped out of the car … H.F. asked me why I was scared and confused. When I asked him to take me home, he refused. I got out of the car … and they walked me into the dark back streets. H.F. asked me to have sex with them, but I refused. When I tried to run away, H.E. stopped me.
”H.E把车停在离Mercato Mall不远的房子前,然后他就下了车......H.F问我为什么这么害怕和疑惑,当我叫他把我载回家的时候,他拒绝了,我下了车.......然后他们跟随我到了黑暗的后街上。H.F要求我和他们发生性关系,我拒绝了,当我企图逃跑的时候,H.E拦住了我。

“I had earlier contacted 999, but the call remained on hold. Then they raped me consecutively … after which they left me and walked away. I lay on the ground crying until I spotted an Iranian person going out from a nearby house … he helped me and called the police,” claimed the woman.

The Iranian told the prosecutors that he found the Emirati crying around 1.30am.

A policeman testified that the woman told him that she became acquainted to H.E. via Blackberry.

“We summoned the defendants for questioning … they claimed that the housewife went with them for a ride and offered to have paid sex with them. The duo said they had consensual sex with her and that she fabricated the rape allegations because they did not pay her,” he said.

H.F. has already appealed his primary ruling.


