
2015-11-16| 发布者: 凌锦晖| 查看: 868 |原作者: 凌锦晖

Man accused of raping waitress Suspect denies threatening to kill woman and raping her in his car 男子被指控强奸女服务员 嫌疑犯否认威胁杀害和在车里强奸一名...

Man accused of raping waitress
Suspect denies threatening to kill woman and raping her in his car

Published: 16:54 November 14, 2015 Gulf News

Dubai: A man, who is nicknamed ‘the king’, has been accused of having forced sex with a waitress in the back seat of his car and threatening to kill her.

The 25-year-old Pakistani man, S.S., was said to have familiarised himself with the 29-year-old Filipina in a mall where he alleged to her at her workplace that he could have her hired for a better salary where he worked in July.

“He shouted at me saying ‘I am the king and everybody calls me the king’ when I refused to have sex with him in his car. Then he forced me to the back seat and raped me twice,” the Filipina was quoted as testifying to prosecutors.
菲律宾女子向作证的检察官复述:当我拒绝和他在他的车里发生性关系的时候,”他就冲着我大喊说道‘我是国王,大家都称呼我为国王’ 然后他就强行把我推到车尾坐,然后把我强奸了2次。

Prosecutors charged S.S. with raping the waitress and threatening to kill her if she told anyone about the rape.

“I did not have sex with her and I did not threaten to kill her,” the defendant told the Dubai Court of First Instance on Wednesday.

According to the charge sheet, prosecutors said the suspect abused the fact that the waitress was alone with him in his car when he had forced sex with her. He also threatened to kill her.

His lawyer asked presiding judge Fahd Al Shamsi to adjourn the case until she obtains a waiver from the claimant [Filipina] as they are currently negotiating a compensatory amount.
因为他们目前正在商量赔偿的金额,所以男子的律师要求审判官Fahd Al Shamasi开始休庭,直到女子获得豁免申请人索赔的权利。

The 29-year-old woman claimed to prosecutors that she and her countrywoman provided the suspect with their contact details after he promised to have them hired at his workplace for higher salaries.

“He communicated with me on WhatsApp for a while and then he started discussing personal matters. He also sent me love messages and asked me if I had any relationships or if I had ever had a boyfriend. I blocked him on WhatsApp and stopped answering his calls or messages. One day my colleague told me that she spotted him following her to the building where we live. He visited me at work and blamed me for not communicating with him … I scolded him and asked him to stop visiting me at work and begged him to stay away because I did not want to lose my job. One day he called me at 2am. I asked him to stop harassing me. Then he told me that he was waiting under the building … so I went down to put an end to his harassment. He asked me to go for a ride with him otherwise he wouldn’t stop harassing or chasing me. He drove until 4am and during that time he told me that he loved me and desired me. I refused to be his girlfriend and told him I was not interested. He parked in a dark area behind a hotel on Shaikh Zayed Road and asked me to have sex with him. I refused. He shouted at me ‘I am the king and I do what I want’. He then raped me the first time. When I tried to put on my clothes, he yelled at me and raped me again,” she testified.
她指证道:“他在Whatsapp上和我聊了一段时间,然后他就开始讨论私人问题了,他还发送关于爱情的信息给我,问我是否谈过恋爱,以及是否有过男朋友的事情。我在WhatsApp上封锁了他,并且停止借看他的电话和信息。直到一天,我的同事告诉我她发现男子一直跟着她回到了她们住的地方。他来我上班的时候找我,并且责怪我没有回复他的信息..........我责骂他,叫他不要再来找我了,然后哀求他赶快走开,因为我不行丢掉自己的工作。有一天他凌晨2点给我打电话,我叫他不要再骚扰我,然后他告诉我他就在楼下等着我...我跑下楼梯,想了结了他的骚扰。他叫我陪他一起出去兜兜风,不然他不会停止骚扰、追求我。他一直开车直到凌晨四点,那段时间,他跟我说,他爱我,希望能够拥有我。我拒绝做他的女朋友,然后告诉他我没兴趣。他把车停在Shaikh Zayed 路的一家酒店附近的黑暗地方,然后叫我和他发生性关系,我拒绝了,他朝着我大叫‘我是国王,我可以做任何我想做的事情,然后他就把我强奸了,后来当我试图把衣服穿起来的时候,他冲着我大喊,然后又强奸了我一次。”

According to records, the woman’s aunt overheard her crying and telling her mother what had happened to her on Skype before they reported the matter to the police.
The trial continues.

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